Road Trips: Save Money on Food While Traveling
One of the biggest expenses when taking a road trip is food, especially when traveling with family members. Even fast food restaurants can be pricey. Three restaurant meals a day for an entire family can take a large bite out of a vacation budget, but there are easy ways to save money on food and still eat three delicious meals a day while traveling.
Coupon Savings
Before taking your next road trip, invest in an Entertainment Coupon Book that covers the main area you'll be traveling or staying. Entertainment books are filled with valuable coupons for discounts on restaurant meals, and many coupons entitle the bearer to a free meal with the purchase of a meal. This is a fabulous way to save money while traveling. Consider investing in a second Entertainment book that includes your hometown and surrounding areas. You'll receive a discount on the second book, and both coupon books can pay for themselves the very first time they're used.
Weeks before leaving on your road trip begin watching inserts in your local newspaper for restaurant coupons. Although coupons list specific locations, many restaurant chains willingly accept coupons included in their chain of restaurants across the country. Make a point of using coupons as often as possible and you're sure to save money on food while traveling.
Local Specials
If you want to find the best deals on the tastiest food in town, talk to the locals. Local residents know where the best restaurants are, and friendly locals are usually more than happy to guide travelers to the restaurants that offer early bird specials and other money-saving offers. Simply walk into any store and strike up a conversation with friendly employees. You'll more than likely enjoy some of the best cuisine the area has to offer, and you'll save money while dining out on your road trip.
Complimentary Breakfasts
Choosing a hotel or motel that offers complimentary breakfasts is another great way to save money on food while traveling. Although breakfast is generally the least expensive meal of the day, you'll still save enough money to make it worth staying somewhere that offers this fantastic incentive. Many free breakfasts from hotels include waffles, muffins, cold cereal, toast, juice and fresh fruit.
Electric Cooler
Before traveling, consider investing in an electric cooler that plugs into the 12-volt utility outlet of your vehicle. Pack the cooler with deli meat, sliced cheese, yogurt, juice, condiments, soft drinks, and other foods and drinks of your choice. Bring along bread, snack chips, treats, fresh fruit and other lunchtime favorites for easy meals and snacks that will save a considerable amount of money while on a long road trip.
Imagine the money you'll save if you take advantage of free breakfast offers and prepare picnic lunches from your cooler. You'll only have to dine out once each day, and if you use coupons when dining out, you won't spend very much money on food. Buy a handy electric cooler and it will surely pay for itself within the first few days of taking a road trip with your family.
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